Generate reports in seconds with AI.

Just ask for what you need.

How it Works

Connect to YOUR OWN database

GenRPT is compatible with all major database providers

Type your question

That's it. You just need plain English to get your answers

Get rich reports in seconds

Get tabular, graphical, and text summarised response

GenRPT unlocks critical insights from your data using AI

No complex interfaces

We use NLP to decode your intent, and transform it to queries that talk to your database

Create visually beautiful reports

GenRPT comes with a host of charts. That's not all. It will choose which is the best option to represent your query

And more...

Get tabular data reports and intelligent text responses

Save time. Create value.

GenRPT is perfect for senior manager reports, board members, clients, and internal team communications

Next Steps – Let’s run a Pilot

GenRPT can pilot a program in key areas of your firm.